Take America Back Again

After 8 years of enduring the lackluster outcome of America’s first affirmative action
president, Donald J. Trump was a fresh sharp blast of arctic air blowing away the
political version of a tropical depression that had engulfed an America being led in the
wrong direction.

What was originally described as “the swamp” was more accurately a cesspool of
scoundrels, self-servers and scumbags; political maggots feeding off the very infection
they themselves had bred and spread into the body politic.

As the Trump term began to rip the old wallpaper off the hallowed halls of our nations
places of governance where the hacks and flacks that had been too long squatters, the
lingering stench and stains of dishonor began to yield to a remodeling underway.
The American stock market climbed to record levels and soared. Our southern border
was secure and getting rebuilt. The USA was the largest net-exporter of energy in the
world and gas was cheap. Unemployment and inflation were both near zero. Our
enemies feared and respected us. Al-Qaeda and Taliban leadership were either killed or
forced into inactivity making them practically inert. China was forced into fair play and
North Korea into quiet civility. Over-burdensome regulations were cut and more than
25,000 pages removed from the Federal Register resulting in trillions in tax cuts and the
reformation of the tax code. And finally, Trump fulfilled a promise broken by every
living past US President by moving the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to

Say what you will about the Trump/Biden election, it’s over and the Swamp won. That
“swamp” however was really something far worse; a mile-deep lake of shit.
And if ever there was a creature of that fetid lake, Joe Biden was the poster-boy. Never
employed outside of government he was a twice failed presidential contender, famous for
being a liar, (“…I got a full scholarship, graduated in the top third of my class…”) and
also a plagiarist, (stole Britain’s Neil Kinnock’s speech word-for-word.), Biden is a
principle-less poser, a pliable useful idiot, making him the best candidate to easily

Enter the Soros/Obama cabal of tech giants and the vast tentacles of the Administrative
State grinding away at the organ while Biden dances to their tune as America loses her

When assessing motive, money and power are the main ingredients. Trump had plenty of
both before running for office and he was beholding to no one. Trump won’t be bought
and being the President not only loses him money, it forces him to do battle every
moment for his own survival so again, what is the motive?
It is obvious that for Trump, being President again will be nothing short of a fight to the
finish. He views this as his obligation to the greatest country on earth that supplied him
with so much. He made America great again and now he needs to finish flushing that
nasty national toilet and Take America Back Again.
